4 Ways to Use Encrypted Chats on Facebook and Instagram

When it comes to digital security, privacy has always been a contentious issue in the digital space. However, new security techniques like end-to-end encryption have made instant messaging and social apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram more secure than ever. That said, if you're looking for a way to use encrypted chats on Facebook Messenger and Instagram, you've come to the right place. Follow this detailed explainer to use encrypted chats on these social platforms.



How are encrypted chats useful?

Encrypted chats use a end-to-end encryption technique that protects user privacy by securing conversations. Simply put, apps using this technique encrypt chats so that no one but you or the message participant can see the content of the message. As a result, both the company and the user develop a sense of trust and security as the company cannot decode these end-to-end encrypted chats, preventing even the smallest misuse of their message content.

So let's quickly see the steps needed to enable encrypted chats on Facebook Messenger and Instagram.

Steps to Use Encrypted Chats on Facebook Messenger

Creating an encrypted conversation in the Facebook Messenger app is as easy as eating a cake. Here's what you need to follow.


1. Open the Facebook Messenger app (Android, iOS) and tap the stylo icon in the upper right corner to create a new conversation.

2. Then press the Lock toggle button in the upper right corner to enable end-to-end encryption in messages.

3. Once enabled, find and open your desired Facebook friend's chat to start a conversation with encryption activated.



That's it! All conversations and calls will now remain encrypted until this message exists.

Start an encrypted chat from an existing Facebook chat

If you don't want to waste your time manually enabling encryption, you can start an encrypted conversation with your friend from an existing Facebook Messenger chat. Follow these steps to get the same result.

1. Open an existing Facebook message chat in the Messenger app and tap the information button (i) in the upper right corner.

2. Scroll down to locate and tap the Go to Secret Conversation option, to create a new encrypted conversation with your selected friend.


3. Finally, type the desired message to send it to your friend with end-to-end encryption. Additionally, calls made in this thread using the Messenger app will also remain encrypted.


Steps to Use Encrypted Chats on Instagram

Similar to Facebook, Instagram lets you create encrypted chats with your friend to protect your privacy. Here is how you can enable encrypted chat on Instagram.

1. Open the Instagram app (Android, iOS) and swipe to the DM section by tapping the Message button in the upper right corner.


2. Then press the + button in the upper right corner to create a new conversation.

3. Additionally, press the Lock button to enable end-to-end encryption in messages and choose which friend to chat with.

4. Finally, press the Create a conversation button to start chatting with your friend on Instagram with end-to-end encryption enabled.

Start an Encrypted Chat from an Existing Instagram DM

Apart from finding and creating an encrypted chat manually, you can initiate a secure conversation with your friend on Instagram by following these simple steps.


1. Open an existing Instagram post and tap the USERNAME of the person in the title of the message.

2. Scroll down to find the 'Use end-to-end encryption' and tap it to activate.

3. Once activated, you will be directed to a new Instagram DM where you can chat and call your friend with encryption enabled.



Bonus: send disappearing messages on Instagram and Facebook Messenger

If you are hesitant to protect your privacy with end-to-end encryption, you can send disappearing messages to your friend, which automatically disappear after a certain period of time. Check out our full explainer on sending disappearing messages on Instagram and Facebook Messenger.


Q: Are my Instagram chats encrypted?

A: By default, Instagram does not encrypt your chats in DM unless done manually. Follow the steps mentioned above to enable encryption.

Q: Are my Facebook Messenger chats encrypted?

A: Similar to Instagram, Facebook does not encrypt your conversations in the Messenger app. Follow the steps mentioned above to enable encryption.

Q: How do I enable end-to-end encryption in Facebook Messenger?

A: Follow the simple steps in this explainer to enable end-to-end encryption on your Facebook Messenger conversation.


Q: How do I encrypt my chat on Facebook?

A: Simply start a new encrypted conversation or switch to Secret Conversation option in the Messenger app. For more details, refer to the steps listed in this guide.

Q: How do I encrypt my chats on Instagram?

A: Similar to Facebook Messenger, you can encrypt your Instagram chats by tapping the end-to-end encryption option in message settings.

Q: How do I enable end-to-end encryption on Instagram?

A: Learn the simple steps listed in this explainer to enable end-to-end encryption on Instagram.

Q: I can't use encrypted chats with certain people on Facebook and Instagram. For what?

A: Facebook Messenger and Instagram do not offer end-to-end encryption when talking to businesses or public figures. Additionally, Instagram refrains from using end-to-end encryption with certain DMs based on its algorithm and user eligibility.

Recap: Keep conversations safer with encrypted chats!

We hope you have chosen useful methods in this explainer to secure your Facebook and Instagram messages using encrypted chats. If you find it useful, share it with your loved ones and check out the links below for more articles on digital security.


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