How to Find Fuel-Efficient Routes on Google Maps

In October 2021, Google Maps got a new feature to help users save gas and travel costs by suggesting fuel-efficient routes. Later, this feature was extended to other regions like Europe in 2022, and now, after almost a year and a half, fuel-efficient routes are also making their way to India. This reading will discuss its use and finding a fuel-efficient route on Google Maps.


Steps to Use a Fuel-Efficient Route on Google Maps

Fuel-efficient routes are suggested for your vehicle's engine type based on estimated energy and fuel efficiency data using information from multiple agencies and laboratories. This data includes real-time traffic, road elevation, vehicle type, historical data and weather conditions. Here's how to select your vehicle type in Google Maps.

This setting only applies to cars. For motorcycles, Google Maps will assume you own a gas-powered motorcycle.

1. Launch the Google Maps application on your phone (Android, iOS).


2. Press your profile picture ou initials at the top right and go to settings.

3. Under Settings, scroll down and go to Navigation settings.


4. Under Navigation Settings, scroll down to Route Options and enable Choose fuel-efficient routes.


Now you need to mention details about your vehicle such as engine type.

5. Under Route Options, tap Engine Type, select the following according to your vehicle:

  • Vehicle equipped with an internal combustion engine – Select Gas ou Diesel.
  • A compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) vehicle – Choose your favorite Gas.
  • A hybrid or plug-in hybrid that runs primarily on fuel – Choose your favorite Hybrid:.
  • An electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle that runs primarily on electricity – Choose your favorite Electric.

6. Now press Fact.


Now Google Maps will show you the most fuel-efficient route based on the type of vehicle you choose. It should be noted that routes for different vehicle types may be different, for example:

  • Diesel vehicles are more fuel efficient on highways,
  • Hybrid and electric vehicles are better suited to slopes thanks to regenerative braking,
  • CNG and Petrol vehicles are intended for city travel.

How to change a fuel-efficient route while navigating

If you are driving a different vehicle than the one you selected in the settings and you are in a hurry. Forgetting to go back into the settings and change the motor type is very common. You can also change the vehicle type from the navigation screen. Here's how to do it:

1. Enter le source et destination address in Google Maps to see possible routes between the two points.

2. Press the three points menu at the top right and navigate to Route options.


3. Here, tap on the selected engine type and choose your vehicle's engine type from the available options.

4. Tap Fact to save changes and see the most fuel-efficient route for your engine type.


Q. What is a fuel efficient route on Google Maps?

Based on various environmental factors and your vehicle's engine type, Google Maps suggests a fuel- and energy-efficient route. The more efficient the route, the lower the fuel or energy consumption and CO emissions of your vehicle.2e emissions.


Q. How do I enable fuel efficient routing on Google Maps?

Go to navigation settings on Google Maps and enable fuel-efficient routes. Make sure you have the latest version of Google Maps installed on your phone. For more details, refer to the steps mentioned above.

Q. Does Google Maps support fuel-efficient routes in India?

Yes. Google Maps supports fuel-efficient routes in India; it will be put into service in January 2024. It will take into account opinions from local bodies such as the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, automobile manufacturers and NGOs to suggest fuel-efficient routes.


This is how you can set up and use the fuel efficient route feature on Google Maps to find the best route that helps you save gas and money and reduce the impact that a longer route would have on Mother Earth. Currently, fuel-efficient routes are available in 46 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, USA, Japan, UK, etc., and will soon be deployed in other countries. Stay tuned to for more readings like this and check out the ones linked below.


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